How is CGPA Calculated for Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Karnataka from Given Percentage?

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When it comes to Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) in Karnataka, understanding how to calculate your Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is essential for tracking your academic performance. Unlike some universities that might directly convert your percentage to CGPA, VTU uses a detailed formula based on Semester Grade Points (SGPA) you earn each semester. Here’s how the process works:

What is CGPA?

CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average. It is a measure of a student’s academic performance throughout their program. At VTU, CGPA is calculated by considering the SGPA of each semester and the credits associated with them.

The Formula for Calculating CGPA

The CGPA at VTU is calculated using the following formula:

CGPA=∑(Ci×Si)∑Ci\text{CGPA} = \frac{\sum (C_i \times S_i)}{\sum C_i}CGPA=∑Ci​∑(Ci​×Si​)​


  • CGPA: Cumulative Grade Point Average
  • Σ (Σ symbol): Summation (adding up) of the following terms
  • Ci: Number of credits for a particular semester
  • Si: SGPA of that particular semester

Steps to Calculate CGPA

1. Gather Information

Collect your SGPA and credit information for each semester you’ve completed. This information is typically available on your grade cards or transcripts.

2. Multiply Credits by SGPA

For each semester, multiply the number of credits (Ci) by the SGPA (Si) of that semester.

3. Sum the Products

Add up the products you obtained in the previous step for all semesters (Σ(Ci × Si)).

4. Sum the Total Credits

Add up the total credit value (Ci) for all semesters you’ve completed (ΣCi).

5. Divide the Sums

Divide the sum of the products (step 3) by the sum of the total credits (step 4). This will give you your CGPA.

Example Calculation

Let’s say you have completed three semesters with the following information:

SemesterCredits (Ci)SGPA (Si)Product (Ci × Si)


Σ(Ci×Si)=170+216+176=562\Sigma (Ci \times Si) = 170 + 216 + 176 = 562Σ(Ci×Si)=170+216+176=562

ΣCi=20+24+22=66\Sigma Ci = 20 + 24 + 22 = 66ΣCi=20+24+22=66

CGPA=56266=8.52\text{CGPA} = \frac{562}{66} = 8.52CGPA=66562​=8.52

Therefore, your CGPA based on this example would be 8.52.

Important Notes

  1. Scheme Variations: This is a general formula, and there might be slight variations depending on the specific VTU scheme you’re enrolled under (e.g., 2015 scheme, 2018 scheme, etc.). Always refer to the official VTU regulations for your specific scheme for any nuances.
  2. Percentage Calculation: VTU might have a separate formula for calculating the percentage based on CGPA for specific purposes. However, CGPA is the primary grading metric used by VTU.
  3. Comprehensive Indicator: CGPA is a more comprehensive indicator of your academic performance throughout your program compared to a single percentage value.

Why Understanding CGPA is Important

Understanding how CGPA is calculated helps you keep track of your academic progress and set realistic goals for improvement. It also allows you to identify areas where you need to focus more effort.

How LearnyHive Can Help You

At LearnyHive, we understand the challenges VTU students face, especially when it comes to last-moment exam preparation. That’s why we offer a specialized video course designed to help you study one day before the exam with minimal effort and still score 80+. Our courses include:

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  • Previous year repeated questions, model paper questions, and predicted questions.
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Calculating your CGPA at VTU involves understanding your SGPA for each semester and the credits associated with each course. By following the steps outlined above, you can accurately determine your CGPA and keep track of your academic progress. Remember to utilize resources like LearnyHive for efficient exam preparation and to achieve your academic goals.

For more detailed guidance and resources, visit LearnyHive and take the first step towards mastering your VTU subjects and acing your exams.