How Do You Write a Title Page for a Final Year Project?

three men laughing while looking in the laptop inside room

A title page is the first impression of your project, so it’s important to make it clear, concise, and professional. A well-crafted title page sets the tone for your final year project, providing essential information in a visually appealing format. Here’s a comprehensive guide to creating an effective title page.

Essential Elements of a Title Page

Project Title

Your project title should be clear, concise, and informative, reflecting the main focus of your work. It should capture the essence of your project in a way that is easily understood by anyone reading it.

Your Name

Include your full name as it appears on your academic records. This ensures that your project is correctly attributed to you and avoids any potential confusion.

Student ID Number

Your unique student identification number is an essential element of the title page. It helps in distinguishing your project from those of other students, particularly in large academic institutions.


Specify the name of your academic department. This indicates the specific area of study your project is related to and provides context for your research.

University/Institution Name

Include the full name of your university or institution. This gives credit to the educational establishment where you conducted your research and underscores the academic framework within which your project was completed.

Submission Date

The date you submitted the project is a crucial detail. It records when the project was finalized and presented for evaluation.

Supervisor’s Name (Optional)

Including the name of your project supervisor can be optional, but it adds a layer of formality and acknowledges the guidance you received during your research.

Formatting Guidelines

Center the Information

Align all elements in the center of the page for a balanced and professional look. This layout is commonly used in academic documents and ensures that the title page is aesthetically pleasing.

Font Choice

Use a clear and professional font such as Times New Roman or Arial. These fonts are widely accepted in academic writing for their readability and formal appearance.

Font Size

Choose font sizes that are easy to read. The project title should be larger than the other text, typically ranging from 16 to 20 points, while the rest of the information can be in 12 to 14 points.


Maintain consistent spacing between lines for a clean and organized appearance. Double-spacing is often preferred in academic documents, but check your institution’s guidelines for specific requirements.


Standard margins around the page (usually 1 inch on all sides) help create a uniform and professional look. Consistent margins also ensure that no information is cut off when printed.

Example of a Title Page

To help you visualize the structure, here is an example of a title page for a final year project:

[Project Title]

[Your Name]

[Student ID Number]

[Department Name]

[University/Institution Name]

[Submission Date]

[Supervisor’s Name (optional)]

Importance of a Well-Crafted Title Page

A well-designed title page is more than just a formality; it sets the stage for your entire project. It provides a snapshot of essential information, making it easier for reviewers to identify and evaluate your work. A professional title page reflects the effort and attention to detail that you have put into your project.


Creating an effective title page for your final year project is a straightforward yet crucial task. By including all necessary elements and following proper formatting guidelines, you ensure that your project makes a strong first impression.

For more tips on preparing for your final year project and other academic challenges, explore LearnyHive. Our platform offers a range of resources, including expert guidance and video courses, to help you excel in your studies. Whether you’re looking for last-minute exam preparation or comprehensive study materials, LearnyHive has you covered.

By following this guide, you can create a professional and polished title page that sets the right tone for your final year project. Remember, the title page is the first thing evaluators see, so make sure it accurately represents the quality and professionalism of your work. For further assistance and resources, don’t hesitate to visit LearnyHive and take advantage of our expert guidance and support.