Introduction to Electronics and Communication | All 5 MODULES | Very Important questions with solutions EXPLAINED | BESCK104C/204C | Last moment exam preparation
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Module 1 (Very Important questions with solutions)
2.What is a rectifier? What are the different types of rectifiers?
03:13 -
3.With appropriate circuit diagram, explain the working of half-wave rectifier. (both with and without capacitor filter)
04:18 -
4.With appropriate circuit diagram, explain the working of two diode full-wave rectifier. Draw the input and output waveforms. (both with and without capacitor filter)
03:46 -
5.With neat circuit diagram and waveforms, explain the working of a full wave bridge rectifier. (both with and without capacitor filter)
03:16 -
6.With circuit diagram explain the voltage multiplier (i.e., Voltage Doubler, Voltage Tripler).
04:25 -
7.What is voltage regulator? With neat circuit diagram, explain the operation of a voltage regulator using Zener diode.
02:16 -
8.What is an amplifier? Explain different types of amplifier.
02:27 -
9.Describe the terms: Gain, Input resistance, Output resistance, Phase shift, Bandwidth of amplifier.
03:26 -
10.With a neat block diagram, derive the expression for overall gain of a negative feedback amplifier.
03:25 -
11.What are multi-stage amplifiers? Write different methods used for interstage coupling.
Module 2 (Very Important questions with solutions)
Module 3 (Very Important questions with solutions)
Module 4 (Very Important questions with solutions)
Module 5 (Very Important questions with solutions)
All 5 modules Study Material
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