Last moment sem exam preparation for vtu engineering students
Study one day before the exam and score 80+
Our courses For 3rd year students
➢ Very important questions with solutions explained in the video course by expert VTU engineering professors.
➢ The ‘Very Important Questions’ video course includes previously repeated questions, model paper questions, and predicted questions by expert professors.
➢ The video course covers all 5 modules and can be completed within 4-5 hours, specially designed for last-minute exam preparation.
➢ The price for all 5 modules will be less than the price of a BURGER 🍔.
- About Us -
What is LearnyHive?
LearnyHive is a platform specifically designed for VTU Engineering students to achieve high scores during the last moments of their semester exams through engaging, curated, and expert-led video courses at an affordable price.
We also collaborate with expert VTU professors to monetize their expertise in their teaching fields.
Our last year students’ feedback on LearnyHive
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